Present: Cllrs R Taylor (Chairman), J Cousins, S Edwards, E Langston, J Llewellyn, Z O’Keefe, S Ould, R MacLeavy, S Mitchell, H Power, D Seddon, G Simmonite and P Soothill

In attendance: Mrs J Stone, Clerk of the Council and Mrs E Lacey, Office Assistant


Members of the public: 3 members of public present

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone present and pointed out the location of the emergency exits and toilets

1.         Apologies

070      Cllr M Bowerman.  District Cllr K Barclay


2.         Declarations of Interest

            To receive Councillors’ declarations of interests and to consider any written

            application for dispensations

071      Personal interest

            Cllr S Edwards – Planning application no. 18/P/2131/FUH 50 West Town Road –


            Cllr P Soothill – Grove Farm neighbour – close to home

072      Prejudicial interest


073      Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


3.         Minutes (Circulated)

074      The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 1st February 2018 were amended on page 3 to correct the spelling of Lorraine Hopkinson-Parker’s name and unanimously confirmed as a correct record by those present at that meeting

4.         Public Participation

075      Mr Michael Pratt gave an update on Backwell Youth Club and their application for a further two terms of funding, which will be on the 5th April 2018 Full Council meeting agenda for consideration


5.         To receive such communications as the person presiding may wish to lay

            before the Council

076      The Chairman informed members of an ALCA/NSC meeting he had attended, and

            spoke of NSC’s shortfall in funding for the forthcoming financial year

077      Members noted the Chairman’s comments regarding the servicing of the sound system in the Parish Hall

078      The Chairman’s comments were noted regarding the Claverham Neighbourhood

            Plan, which has now been formally made

079      The Chairman spoke of training requirements for Councillors, and would be

            arranging with ALCA for an in-house training session to take place at Backwell Parish Hall later in the year on a weekday evening


6.         To answer questions from Councillors

080        None

7.         To receive and consider reports and minutes of Committees

081      None

8.         To receive and consider a report from the Clerk of the Council

            a.         To receive this report

082                  Noted

            b.         Update on non-agenda items

083                  None


 9.        Update on Farleigh Fields

            The Chairman reminded members that a decision on Farleigh Fields was due on or before the 28th March 2018

084      Noted


10.       Update on Moor Lane and S106

            Discussion took place regarding whether to hold a public meeting in connection with the S106 on Moor Lane

085      1955 Cllr E Langston joined the meeting

086      Resolved: Unanimously the Chairman to include S106 and Moor Lane in his report at the Annual Parishioners Meeting being held on Thursday 26th April 2018


11.       Update on Bristol Airport Master Plan

            The Chairman informed members of a meeting taking place next week with Bristol Airport to discuss the effect of the proposed expansion of the airport

            on residents’ properties

087      Resolved: Unanimously BPC to ask for a quotation for legal advice concerning blight on residents’ properties


12.       Update on JSP and Local Plan and to approve the following:

a.         Engagement of Lucy White Planning Limited

088                  Resolved: Unanimously to appoint Lucy White Planning Limited

            b.         Possible appointment of Highway Expert

089                  Resolved: Unanimously to appoint Peter Evans Partnership

            c.         Possible appointment of an Ecologist

090                  Resolved: Unanimously the 2018/2036 Working Party to recommend the appointment of an Ecologist if necessary

 13.      To receive and consider Terms of Reference for BPC 2018-2036 Working Party

091      Resolved: Unanimously to approve


 14.      Update on Parish Councillor vacancy

            The Chairman informed members that as there was no call for an election, the vacancy will be filled by co-option and considered at the 3rd May 2018 Full Council meeting

092      Noted


 15.      To appoint member to BPC Planning Committee

093      Resolved: Unanimously to appoint Cllr S Ould to the Planning Committee

 16.      To discuss communications

Members noted the Chairman’s comments regarding comments which were being made on Facebook posts.  Discussion took place on how to deal with this matter

094      Noted – to be monitored for 1 month

 17.      To receive and consider quotation from Dino-Digital in the sum of £600

        plus VAT for updating the Backwell Parish Council website

095      Resolved: Unanimously to approve


 18.      To receive and consider email from NSC dated 19.2.18 regarding changes to

        Mobile Library service in Backwell

        Members were informed the mobile library would no longer stop at Backwell

        Leisure Centre, but instead would increase its time from 1 hour to 2 hours in

        the Rodney Road car park (from 2pm to 4pm)

096      Resolved: Unanimously to request NSC extend the time in Rodney Road by 15 minutes to 4.15pm to allow school children to access the library after school


 19.      To consider stone chippings being placed at gates in fields near West Leigh

        Infants School and gate in Backwell Playing Fields

            Members discussed the problems with mud at these locations. The Clerk to

            contact the owner of the land and report back to Full Council

097      Noted


  20.     To receive and consider reports from Working Parties of the Council/Cllrs

            a.         To receive report from Enhancement Working Party

                        Report noted.  Members were asked to inform the EWP if they had

                        any ideas for entertainment at the Over 60’s Tea Party taking place

098                  on Thursday 29th November 2018      

            b.         To receive update from Highways Working Party

Cllr S Mitchell informed members that the proposed safety measures in Station Road would be carried out in the new financial year starting in April (possibly school summer holidays), as would the works programme for Downside Road.  Proposed works at West Leigh Infant School were being progressed, and finally NSC have advised they will be making arrangements for an engineer to come up with some proposals shortly for the Church Lane/Dark Lane area

099                  Noted

            c.         To receive and consider report from Cllr E Langston re library proposal

                        for telephone box in Westfield Close

                        Members were in favour of Cllr Langston’s proposal

100                  Resolved: Unanimously to convert the telephone box into a library

d.         To receive and consider report from Cllr H Power – Motion: That the

                        Council conducts business in line with Standing Order 1 and its reference

                        to ‘Motions’, and that these Motions/Resolutions are set out on the agenda

                        Discussion took place regarding Cllr Power’s report

101                  Resolved: By a majority vote to defer to the Annual Meeting of the Council in May when Standing Orders are considered.  2 abstentions

 21.      Accounts

            a.         To receive and consider Receipts and Payments schedule for February

                        2018 (checked by Cllr J Cousins and R Taylor prior to the meeting)

  102                Noted

b.           To authorise expenditure for the month of February 2018

  103                Resolved: Unanimously to authorise

  22.     Planning

To consider the following planning applications:

            a.         Planning application no. 18/P/2131/FUH 50 West Town Road, Backwell –

Proposed single storey extension on site of existing conservatory to be demolished, proposed covered canopy and solar panels

104                 Resolved: By a majority decision Backwell Parish Council support the concerns raised by their resident. BPC therefore request before the Planning Officer makes their final decision, they visit the location and talk to the neighbouring property about their concerns. 1 abstention

            b.         Planning application no. 18/P/2169/RM Land off Moor Lane, Backwell –

Submission of reserved matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 65 no. dwellings, pursuant to outline planning permission 15/P/1916/O (outline planning permission for the erection of up to 65 dwellings with associated car parking, landscaping, open spaces and access.  All matters reserved except for access)

  105                Resolved: Unanimously Backwell Parish Council approve in principle with the development for 65 homes in Moor Lane, as it is in accordance with their Neighbourhood Plan, but they would hope that you would be mindful of their input and comments when you proceed with reserve matters and Taylor Wimpey

            c.         Planning application no. 18/P/2157/FUH 35 Church Lane, Backwell –

                        Excavation under lawn to create 4no. garages for domestic use

 106                 Resolved: Unanimously Backwell Parish Council, due to the uniqueness of this application and its location within Green Belt, will support the decision of the North Somerset Council Planning Officer

107                 There being no further items of business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 2059 hours