Present: Cllrs R Taylor (Chairman), R Day, S Edwards, M Gibbons-Price, E Langston, J Llewellyn, R MacLeavy, S Mitchell, S Ould, H Power, J Sear, G Simmonite and D Seddon

In attendance: Mrs J Stone, Clerk of the Council.

Members of the public: 1 member of public present and District Cllr Karen Barclay

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone present and pointed out the location of the emergency exits and toilets

1. Apologies

348 Cllrs M Bowerman and C Cole. NSC PLO’s Natalie Field and Natalie Sims.

Paul Morris.

2. To consider co-option of one new member onto Backwell Parish Council

and, if co-opted, to receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office

349 Resolved: Unanimously Ms E Langston be co-opted onto Backwell Parish

Council. Cllr Langston signed her Declaration, witnessed by the Clerk,

and was invited to join the meeting

3. Declarations of Interest

To receive Councillors’ declarations of interests and to consider any written

application for dispensations

Personal interest

350 None

Prejudicial interest

351 None

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

352 None

4. Minutes (Circulated)

353 The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on the 4th August 2016 were unanimously confirmed as a correct record by those present at that meeting

5. Public Participation

354 None

6. To receive such communications as the person presiding may wish to lay

before the Council

355 The Chairman reported on recent burglaries in the village, and also a problem

with graffiti which had appeared in various locations, particularly in Backwell

Playing Fields

356 The Chairman spoke of the annual SLCC Conference taking place in Cheltenham

on Wednesday 23rd November. Councillors to advise the Clerk if they wish to attend

357 Members were pleased to receive a plaque from Nailsea Town Council in

respect of the recent donation made by them towards the newly built concrete skate park in Millennium Park, Nailsea

358 The Chairman, on behalf of the Parish Council, to send a thank you card to Mr Julian Baldwin, who had recently retired from Backwell School

359 The Chairman asked for a reminder to be included in the Village Magazine

reminding residents to observe the speed limit in Dark Lane

360 The Chairman informed members a sign had now been erected at the allotment

site regarding parking

361 Members were informed the closing date for receipt of grant applications had

now passed, and the Clerk had drawn up a draft grant list, to be circulated with the

6th October Full Council meeting papers

7. To answer questions from Councillors

362 None

8. To receive and consider reports and minutes of Committees

To receive the draft minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 18.8.16

363 Noted

9. To receive and consider a report from the Clerk of the Council

a. To receive this report

364 Noted

b. Update on non agenda items

365 None

10. Update on Farleigh Fields

The Chairman updated members on the recent meeting with Polly Reynolds,

Temple Bright Solicitors. Members noted the members of the Working Party

as Cllrs R Taylor, M Gibbons-Price, S Mitchell, S Edwards, District Cllr

K Barclay, Mr M Rose, Mr K Riches and Mr C Perry

366 Resolved: Unanimously Backwell Parish Council to appoint Temple

Bright Solicitors to act on behalf of the Parish Council, and also to

appoint a Planning Consultant to investigate options in preparation for

an Appeal by Charles Church

11. Update on Moor Lane

The Chairman informed members he had today spoken with an Architect

representing Taylor Wimpey, who has requested a pre-application meeting

with the Parish Council and District Councillor. Meeting to be arranged

367 Noted

12. To consider traffic calming measures in Dark Lane

The Chairman informed members NSC would shortly be carrying out speed

readings in Dark Lane. The Chairman’s comments were also noted regarding

installation of barriers in Dark Lane, and the Parish Council were waiting for NSC to come back with a proposed scheme and associated costs

368 Noted

13. Update on traffic calming at Downside

369 No update at present

14. To receive and consider draft minutes for the Bristol Airport Consultative

Committee held on 27.7.16

370 Noted

15. To receive and consider reports from Working Parties of the Council/Cllrs

a. To receive report from Enhancement Working Party

371 Members were asked to note the dates given for the Senior Citizens

Tea Party (24.11.16), the Chairman’s Drinks (1.12.16) and Carols

Around the Christmas Tree (15.12.16)

b. To receive update from Highways Working Party

372 Cllr S Mitchell’s comments were noted by members regarding

outstanding matters, which would be followed up

16. Accounts

a. To receive and consider Receipts and Payments schedule for August 2016 (checked by Cllr D Seddon prior to the meeting)

373 Noted

b. To authorise expenditure for the month of August 2016

374 Resolved: Unanimously to authorise expenditure

c. To receive and consider part 3 of Backwell Parish Council’s Annual

Return – External Auditor’s Certificate and Opinion (please see

Clerk’s Report)

375 The Chairman, on behalf of the Parish Council, thanked the Clerk for

her work in connection with the External Audit

d. To consider HSBC High Interest Deposit Bond of £31,248.93 (expired 15.8.16)

376 Members noted the funds from the expired Bond had now been

transferred into the HSBC Business Money Market account

17. Planning

a. To consider adoption of North Somerset Sites and Policies Plan Part 1: Development Management Policies

377 Noted

b. To consider email from NSC dated 22.8.16 re consultation on CIL

Draft Charging Schedule – deadline for comment is 23.9.16

378 Cllr M Gibbons-Price asked members of the Planning Committee to review the Schedule and email their comments to her by Thursday 15th September 2016, in preparation for a response to be submitted to NSC by the deadline of the 23.9.16

To consider the following planning applications:

c. Planning application no. 16/P/1926/F 20 Station Road, Backwell –

Application to remove condition 5 attached to planning permission

14/P/1803/F (Erection of a dwelling following demolition of existing

dwelling) to allow for requirement to build to code for sustainable

homes to be removed – Mr D Morgan

379 Resolved: Unanimously object and support NSC’s Condition 5

d. Planning application no. 16/P/1946/F 20 Bucklands View, Nailsea –

Single storey rear extension and first floor extension above existing

garage – Mrs D Snape

380 Resolved: Unanimously support Nailsea Town Council’s comments

18. Confidential Items

381 Resolved: That pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings)

Act 1960, the Public and Press be excluded from the meeting for the

following items due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted

19. Staff

Staff matters

382 Cllr R Day, on behalf of the Office Working Party, updated members on the

recruitment process in respect of the Office Assistant vacancy. Those

applicants shortlisted to be interviewed on Monday 12th September 2016

383 There being no further items of business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 2012 hours