PRESENT: Cllrs R Taylor, R Day, M Gibbons Price, E Langston, J Llewellyn, R MacLeavy,

S Mitchell, S Ould, H Power, J Sear and D Seddon

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs J Stone (Clerk of the Council)

MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: 2 members of public present

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone present and pointed out the location of the emergency exits and toilets

1          To elect a Chairman

            Cllr S Mitchell proposed Cllr R Taylor, seconded by Cllr R Day. There were no other nominations

211      Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that Cllr R Taylor be re-elected as Chairman


2          To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office or determine when it will be received

212      Cllr R Taylor signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office form, witnessed by the Clerk


3          To elect a Vice Chairman

            Cllr R Taylor proposed Cllr M Gibbons-Price, seconded by Cllr R Day.  There were no other nominations

213      Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that Cllr M Gibbons-Price be re-elected as Vice Chairman

4          To receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office or determine when it will be received

214      Cllr M Gibbons-Price signed the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office form, witnessed by the Clerk


5          Apologies

215      Cllrs M Bowerman, C Cole, S Edwards and G Simmonite. NSC Parish Liaison Officer Natalie Field

6          Declarations of Interest

            The Chairman referred to the Declaration of Interests Register and asked Members of

            Council if there were any further items to be entered in the Register.

216      Personal Interest


217      Prejudicial Interest 


218      Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


7          Minutes (Circulated)

219      The minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Thursday 4th May 2017 were

            unanimously confirmed as a correct record by those present at that meeting


8          Committees of the Council

220      Resolved: Unanimously the Planning Committee to remain the same

221      Resolved: Unanimously the Rights of Way Committee be disbanded, and

            a Rights of Way Working Party be set up.  Cllrs R Taylor, S Mitchell, S Ould,

            H Power and D Seddon to be members

9          Working Parties of the Council

222      Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs E Langston and D Seddon to be added to the Enhancement Working Party.  Cllr C Cole no longer to be a member

223      Resolved: Unanimously the Office Working Party to remain the same

224      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr S Edwards to be added to the Finance Working Party

225      Resolved: Unanimously the Community Resilience Working Party to be disbanded

226      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr E Langston to be added to the Communications Strategy Working Party

227      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr C Cole no longer to be a member of the Local Green Spaces Working Party

228      Resolved: Unanimously the Doggie Bin Working Party to be disbanded

229      Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor and M Gibbons-Price to be added to the Highways Working Party.  Cllrs C Cole and J Sear no longer to be members

230      Resolved: Unanimously the Moor Lane Proposed Development Working Party

            remain the same

231      Resolved: Unanimously the Farleigh Fields Working Party to remain the same

232      Resolved: Unanimously the Oatfield Play Equipment Working Party to be disbanded

233      Resolved: Unanimously the Station Road Working Party to remain the same

234      Resolved: Unanimously the Allotment Advisory Group to remain the same


10        To appoint representatives to outside bodies and to consider revocation of BPC’s Chairman’s position, for a period of 1 year, as Trustee on the Parish Hall             Management Committee, and to appoint a Parish Council representative

235      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr S Ould to be Parish Council Trustee and             representative on Parish Hall Management Committee, and Cllr R Taylor to be

            Parish Council representative

236      Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor & M Bowerman to continue as Council           representatives to ALCA

237      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr E Langston to be added as a Council representative to the Community Drug Misuse Forum.  Cllr H Power no longer to be a Council representative

238      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr S Mitchell to continue as Council representative on        Bristol Airport Consultative Committee.  Cllr G Simmonite to continue as             representative number 2

239      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr S Mitchell to continue as Council representative on        Bristol Airport Environmental Effects Working Party.  Cllr G Simmonite to             continue as representative number 2

240      Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor and S Ould to continue as Council             representatives to Backwell Foundation  (4 year term).  Cllr S Edwards to be


241      Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor and S Ould to continue as Council             representatives to Backwell Educational Foundation  (4 year term).  Cllr S             Edwards to be reserve



242      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr H Power to continue as Scribe to the Village             Magazine

243      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr M Gibbons-Price to continue as co-opted non voting

            Parish Council member of NSC Standards Sub-Committee (4 year term)

244      Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor and M Gibbons-Price to continue as

            Council representatives to Stancombe Quarry Liaison Steering Group

245      Resolved: Unanimously Cllr M Gibbons-Price to continue as Trustee for

            Village Magazine


246      The Chairman changed the running order of the agenda as follows:


18        Public Participation (maximum 10 minutes)

247      Mr Falconer spoke regarding planning application no. 17/P/1007/F 3A Rushmoor Lane

248      Mr M Rose, BRA, comments were noted regarding the Farleigh Fields Appeal

22        Planning matters

            To consider the following planning applications:

249      a.         Planning application no. 17/P/0999/F 42 Hilldale Road, Backwell –

Demolition of side garage.  Construction of side and rear two storey extension and rear single storey extension.  Internal alterations to existing property – Mr Matt Willis

250                  Resolved: Unanimously no objection

b.     Planning application no. 17/P/1007/F 3A Rushmoor Lane, Backwell –

Extension at first floor, linking the barn with the bungalow – Mr & Mrs Falconer

251                  Resolved: Unanimously no objection


11        To note Deeds and Trust Instruments in the custody of the Council’s Solicitor

252      Noted

12        To readopt Financial Regulations

253      Resolved: Unanimously the Financial Regulations be readopted by the Council 

13        To readopt Standing Orders

254      Resolved: Unanimously the Standing Orders be readopted by the Council


14        To note the Clerk as the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)

255      Noted

15        To agree cheque signatories – 5 Councillors

256      Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor, M Bowerman, R Day, M Gibbons-Price

            and S Ould to remain as cheque signatories.   Any two of these Councillors to sign cheques

16        To reaffirm the following Policies:

            a.         Complaints Procedure

257                  Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Complaints             Procedure

            b.         Grievance Policy

258                  Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Grievance             Policy


            c.         Discipline Policy

259                  Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Discipline              Policy

            d.         Information Technology Policy

260                  Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Information             Technology Policy

            e.         Statement of Risk Assessment and Management

261                  Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Statement of             Risk Assessment and Management

            f.          Dignity at Work/Bullying and Harassment Policy

262                  Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Dignity at             Work/Bullying and Harassment Policy

            g.         Local Government Pension Scheme – Employer Discretions Policies

263                  Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Local             Government Pension Scheme – Employer Discretions Policies

            h.         Community Resilience Sandbag Deployment Policy

264                  Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Community

                        Resilience Sandbag Deployment Policy

17        To receive and consider Clerk’s Report

265      Noted

19        To receive such communications as the person presiding may wish to lay before the


266      The Chairman updated members on the situation at Backwell Recycling Centre, and informed members a meeting was being held on Monday 22nd May with representatives from both North Somerset Council and Biffa

267      The Chairman’s comments were noted regarding Backwell Playing Fields Charity

20        To answer questions from Councillors

268      None

21        To consider insurance for Backwell Village Fete 10.6.17

269      Resolved: Unanimously to arrange insurance cover through Zurich Municipal for the Village Fete and to arrange separate insurance cover for the Dog Show with Cliverton

270      There being no further items of business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 2038 hours