Present: Cllrs R Taylor (Chairman), R Barclay, M Bowerman, S Edwards, M Gibbons-Price, J Llewellyn, S Mitchell, S Ould, H Power, J Sear, D Seddon and G Simmonite

In attendance: Mrs J Stone, Clerk of the Council

Members of the public:1 member of public present

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone present and pointed out the location of the emergency exits and toilets

1. Apologies

086 Cllrs C Cole, R Day and R MacLeavy. District Cllr K Barclay and Parish

Liaison Officers Natalie Field and Natalie Sims

2. Declarations of Interest

To receive Councillors’ declarations of interests and to consider any written

application for dispensations

Personal interest

087 Cllr M Bowerman – agenda item 11 – renewal of contract for planters

Cllr M Gibbons-Price – agenda item 19c – planning application no. 16/P/0402/F

Little Cote, The Batch, Backwell

Cllr M Gibbons-Price – agenda item 19e – planning application no. 16/P/0479/F

Simmonds Cottage, Hillside Road, Backwell

Prejudicial interest

088 None

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

089 None

3. Minutes (Circulated)

090 The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on the 4th February 2016 were unanimously confirmed as a correct record by those present at that meeting

4. Public Participation

091 None

5. To receive such communications as the person presiding may wish to lay

before the Council

092 The Chairman informed members a request had been received to install a dog bin off of Waverley Road – to be discussed at the 7thApril 2016 meeting

093 The Chairman advised members the white lines in the car park at Rodney Road

had been refreshed

094 The Chairman informed members cheque no. 102916 dated 18.2.16 for £60,000 drawn on the Moor Lane account and payable to the Parish Council’s account with NatWest had been returned unpaid, as HSBC had advised it had not been signed in accordance with the bank mandate

095 The Chairman to attend a Stancombe Quarry Local Liaison Group meeting

on the 9th March 2016

096 The Chairman spoke of a Neighbourhood Plan Champions 2 day course he

would be attending on the 15th/16th March 2016

6. To answer questions from Councillors

097 None

7. To receive and consider reports and minutes of Committees

To receive the draft Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on

18th February 2016

098 Noted

8. To receive and consider a report from the Clerk of the Council

a. To receive this report

099 Noted

b. Update on non agenda items

100 None

9. Update on Farleigh Fields

101 The Chairman confirmed Farleigh Fields had now been removed from

North Somerset Council’s Site Allocation Plan

10. Update on Moor Lane

102 No update at present

11. To receive and consider quotations ‘A ‘ & ‘B’ for renewal of contract for planters for a period of 1 year commencing 1st May 2016

i Quotation A in the sum of £1,900 (no VAT)

ii Quotation B in the sum of £2,500 (no VAT)

103 Resolved: Unanimously to award the contract to Gilman’s Gardens

(quotation A) in the sum of £1,900

12. To receive and consider draft minutes from Bristol Airport’s Consultative

Committee meeting held on 27.1.16

104 Noted

13. To authorise signature to Licence from Crofton Place Estate Company Limited re Spar Green (to be signed by Chairman and Clerk)

105 Resolved: Unanimously to authorise

14. To consider grant to St Andrew’s Church in the sum of £300 in respect

of upkeep of graveyard

106 Resolved: Unanimously to authorise. Funds to be vired from General

Contingency Fund

15. To receive and consider email from NSC dated 16.2.16 re portable vehicle

activated signs

107 Noted

16. To receive and consider reports from Working Parties of the Council/Cllrs

a. To receive update from Enhancement Working Party

108 Cllr M Bowerman’s comments were noted re a proposed inscription

on the Jubilee Stone to commemorate the Queens 90th birthday and length

of reign

b. To receive update from Highways Working Party

109 Cllr S Mitchell’s comments were noted regarding:

i – proposed road safety measures at West Leigh Infants School, and

ii – a meeting being set up with David Bailey at North Somerset Council

to discuss traffic calming measures at Dark Lane

17. To receive and consider relevant correspondence

All correspondence is available in Parish Office for viewing, and is also available for inspection at the Parish Council meeting

110 Noted

18. Accounts

a. To receive and consider Receipts and Payments schedule for February 2016 (checked by Cllr M Bowerman prior to the meeting)

Members had already been advised the cheque listed on the schedule

for £60,000 had been returned unpaid by HSBC (see minute no. 094)

111 Noted

b. To authorise expenditure for the month of February 2016

112 Resolved: Unanimously to authorise expenditure

19. Planning

a. Update on Ettrick Garage

113 The Chairman’s comments were noted regarding North Somerset

Council’s response to planning application 15/P/2626/F

To consider the following planning applications:

b. Planning application no. 16/P/0374/F Woodlea, Moor Lane, Backwell –

Demolition of existing detached building and erection of a replacement

single storey detached building for use as extension to an existing

care home – Care Homes Group

114 Resolved: Unanimously no objection

c. Planning application no. 16/P/0402/F Little Cote, The Batch, Backwell –

Rear first floor extension above existing kitchen, bathroom and utility

room – Mr B Collings

115 Resolved: By a majority vote Backwell Parish Council objects, as

it does not comply with North Somerset Council’s Green Belt Policy.

1 abstention

d. Planning application no. 16/P/0441/F 2 Manor Court, Backwell –

Ground floor single storey extension to rear, conversion of part of

garage into utility room, conversion of garage loft to an additional

bedroom – Mrs E O’Brien

116 Resolved: Unanimously no objection

e. Planning application no. 16/P/0479/F Simmonds Cottage, Hillside Road,

Backwell – two storey side extension – Mr Henry Sackett

117 Resolved: By a majority decision no comment, as the applicant has

taken advice from North Somerset Council . 1 abstention

118 There being no further items of business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 2002 hours