PRESENT: Cllrs R Taylor, B Bucknell, R Day, M Gibbons Price, J Llewellyn, R Mason, S Mitchell, S Ould and C Perry

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs J Stone (Clerk of the Council)

MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: No members of public present

1 To elect a Chairman

Cllr C Perry proposed Cllr R Taylor, seconded by Cllr R Day. There were no other nominations

208 Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that Cllr R Taylor be re-elected as Chairman

2 To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office or determine when it will be received

209 Cllr R Taylor signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office form, witnessed by the Clerk

3 To elect a Vice Chairman

Cllr R Taylor proposed Cllr M Gibbons-Price, seconded by Cllr J Llewellyn. There were no other nominations

210 Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that Cllr M Gibbons-Price be re-elected as Vice Chairman

4 To receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office or determine when it will be received

211 Cllr M Gibbons-Price signed the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office form, witnessed by the Clerk

5 Apologies

212 Cllrs M Bowerman, K Merryweather, H Power, D Seddon and D Sparks. District Cllrs K Barclay and G Coombs

6 Declarations of Interest

The Chairman referred to the Declaration of Interests Register and asked Members of

Council if there were any further items to be entered in the Register.

213 Personal Interest


214 Prejudicial Interest


215 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


7 Minutes (Circulated)

216 The minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Thursday 2nd May 2013 were

unanimously confirmed as a correct record by those present at that meeting

8 Committees of the Council (Please see attached Schedule A)

217 Resolved: Unanimously the Planning Committee to remain the same

218 Resolved: Unanimously the Rights of Way Committee to remain the same

9 Working Parties of the Council (Please see attached Schedule A)

219 Resolved: Unanimously the Enhancement Working Party to remain the same

220 Resolved: Unanimously the Office Working Party to remain the same

221 Resolved: Unanimously the Finance Working Party to remain the same

222 Resolved: Unanimously the Community Resilience Working Party to remain the


223 Resolved: Unanimously the Allotment Advisory Group to remain the same

224 Resolved: Unanimously Mr D Punter and Mrs S Edwards be added to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

10 To appoint representatives to outside bodies (please see attached Schedule A) and to consider revocation of BPC’s Chairman’s position, for a period of 1 year, as Trustee on the Parish Hall Management Committee, and to appoint a Parish Council representative

225 Resolved: Unanimously Cllr S Ould to be Parish Council Trustee and representative on Parish Hall Management Committee, and Cllr R Taylor to be

Parish Council representative

226 Resolved: Unanimously Cllr R Mason to continue as Council representative to Nailsea & Backwell Children’s Centre Partnership

227 Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor & R Mason to continue as Council representatives to ALCA

228 Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Mason & M Bowerman to continue as Council representatives to Community Drug Misuse Forum

229 Resolved: Unanimously Cllr M Gibbons-Price to continue as observer to Backwell Playing Fields Charity. Cllr R Taylor to remain as observer number 2

230 Resolved: Unanimously Cllr B Bucknell to remain as Council representative to

Neighbourhood Watch

231 Resolved: Unanimously Cllr B Bucknell to remain as Council representative on Bristol Airport Consultative Committee. Cllr K Merryweather to replace Cllr M Bowerman

232 Resolved: Unanimously Cllr B Bucknell to remain as Council representative on Bristol Airport Environmental Effects Working Party. Cllr K Merryweather to

replace Cllr M Bowerman

233 Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor and S Ould to remain as Council representatives to Backwell Foundation (4 year term)

234 Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor and S Ould to remain as Council representatives to Backwell Educational Foundation (4 year term)

235 Resolved: Unanimously Cllr S Ould to continue as Scribe to Backwell Parish Magazine

236 Resolved: Unanimously Cllr M Gibbons-Price to remain as co-opted non voting

Parish Council member of NSC Standards Sub-Committee

237 Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor and M Gibbons-Price be appointed

Council representatives to Stancombe Quarry Liaison Steering Group

11 To note Deeds and Trust Instruments in the custody of the Council’s Solicitor

238 Noted

12 To readopt Financial Regulations

239 Resolved: Unanimously the Financial Regulations be readopted by the Council

13 To readopt Standing Orders

240 Resolved: Unanimously the Standing Orders be readopted by the Council

14 To note the Clerk as the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)

241 Noted

15 To agree cheque signatories – 5 Councillors

242 Resolved: Unanimously Cllrs R Taylor, M Bowerman, B Bucknell, R Day and

M Gibbons-Price to remain as cheque signatories. Any two of these Councillors to sign cheques

16 To reaffirm the following Policies:

a. Complaints Procedure

243 Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Complaints Procedure

b. Grievance Policy

244 Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Grievance Policy

c. Discipline Policy

245 Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Discipline Policy

d. Information Technology Policy

246 Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Information Technology Policy

e. Statement of Risk Assessment and Management

247 Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Statement of Risk Assessment and Management

f. Dignity at Work/Bullying and Harassment Policy

248 Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Dignity at Work/Bullying and Harassment Policy

g. Local Government Pension Scheme – Employers Discretions Policy

249 Resolved: Unanimously the Council readopt the existing Local Government Pension Scheme – Employers Discretions Policy

17 To receive and consider Clerk’s Report

250 Noted

18 Public Participation (maximum 10 minutes)

251 None

19 To receive such communications as the person presiding may wish to lay before the Council

252 The Chairman informed members of a recent meeting he had attended at Stancombe

Quarry re their proposed expansion plans, and added a report on the meeting will be included with the 6th June Full Council meeting papers

253 Members noted the Chairman’s comments regarding a Community Resilience Plan meeting he had attended recently with Cllr S Mitchell

254 The Chairman updated members on the arrangements for next week’s Annual

Parishioners meeting

20 To answer questions from Councillors

255 None

21 Planning matters

To receive and consider appeal ref. APP/DO121/A/13/2195209 -Erection of a 3 storey detached dwelling – Land adjoining 27 Church Town, Backwell, BS48 3JQ – Amber Properties (South West Limited). Representations required by 31st May 2013

256 Resolved: Unanimously Backwell Parish Council support North Somerset

Council’s refusal to grant planning permission

257 There being no further items of business, the Chairman closed the meeting at

1958 hours.